Newline Group has a highly skilled fine art and specie team with over 50 years’ experience of working closely with a wide range of clients ranging from private individuals and specialist institutions to international corporations and organisations. Whether you are seeking cover for a single item of jewellery or an exceptional collection of art, arranging an exhibition or transporting precious metals, we will work with you to provide insurance coverage tailored to your exact needs. Our wide range of specialist products include:

  • Fine Art – including auction houses, commercial galleries, private and corporate art collections, art dealers, exhibitions, museums, fine art shippers and packers and private jewellery.
  • General Specie – incorporating the shipments and storage of precious metals, financial institution related risks, vault risks, mining risks, refiners and other miscellaneous valuable risks.
  • Cash in Transit – for businesses involved in the transport, processing and storage of currency, securities, precious metals and diamonds, including armoured carriers.
  • Jewellers Block – protecting assets for the jewelry trade, covering raw materials, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and individual collectors.

We are able to offer coverage for each of these categories to an extremely broad base of worldwide clients and assureds, from individual private collectors to global financial corporations using a focused and professional approach.

Our primary focus is towards Fine Art and General Specie categories but we are happy to discuss and assess all elements of this very specialist sector including Cash in Transit and Jewellers Block.

Key Features of available coverages include:

  • “All risks” coverage, including whilst at permanent locations, temporary locations, on display, on loan, in storage and in transit
  • Coverage for the specific transportation and storage of valuables
  • Exhibition coverage including on a “nail to nail” basis
  • “Agreed Value” coverage
  • Depreciation in value following loss
  • Automatic Acquisitions and Increase in Value coverage
  • Defective Title


Worldwide USD 25.0m
GBP 20.0m
EUR 25.0m
(or currency equivalent) any one conveyance, location or policy

On a primary, excess or co-insurance basis


Lloyd’s of London
Ground Floor, Box 38

Hours Daily

11:30 am to 1:00 pm
2:30 pm to 4:30 pm